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Zennify Revolutionizes Services Quoting

Recently, Joey Poarch, Director of Sales Solution Architecture at Zennify, sat down with us to discuss their success using PSQuote. Joey shared the benefits his organization is seeing in just a short time:

  • Save time on every quote from streamlined processes
  • Better data quality and more accurate forecasting
  • Earlier visibility into resourcing needs, and
  • Structured quote data that helps pave the way for AI adoption

Joey’s interview provides practical lessons learned and advice that will be useful to organizations evaluating services quoting tools. Scroll to read his responses below or watch Joey’s interview here.

What prompted you to look for a services quoting tool like PSQuote?

“When evaluating professional services quoting tools, it’s essential to find a solution that not only meets your current needs but also integrates seamlessly with your existing systems. In our search for the perfect tool, we considered various options, drawing on past experiences with internally developed solutions. Our journey ultimately led us to PSQuote, a decision driven by both necessity and strategic alignment.”

What tools did you evaluate besides PSQuote?

“Having worked previously at a consulting partner that built its own quoting and professional services automation tools, I understood the value of a well-integrated system. That experience highlighted the importance of economies of scale, reusability, and predictability in the quoting process. At our current organization, rather than build a tool from scratch, we decided to purchase one that was already proven in the market. This led us to evaluate several options, including Certinia’s product, which, while promising, didn’t quite meet our needs from a professional services perspective. After careful consideration, PSQuote stood out due to its robust features and seamless integration with Salesforce and other systems we rely on.”

Why did you choose PSQuote as your final solution?

“The decision to go with PSQuote was validated by the immediate benefits we experienced post-implementation. One of the standout features was the resource request sync, which significantly reduced the time spent on creating resource requests. This feature alone saved our team at least fifteen minutes per quote, a small amount that quickly adds up over the course of numerous projects. Additionally, the ability to create predefined offerings and generate statements of work with just a few clicks streamlined our processes and allowed our team to focus on more value-added tasks rather than manual data entry.”

What was the toughest part of the implementation?

“Implementing a new tool like PSQuote wasn’t without a few challenges. Transitioning from the flexibility of spreadsheets to structured data required significant change management. We had to overhaul our statement of work templates and ensure consistency across our scope items, which initially were in different formats. This groundwork was essential to leverage PSQuote’s automation features effectively. While some users missed the freedom of spreadsheets, the benefits of automation and consistency quickly outweighed the initial discomfort.”

What value have you been able to realize?

“Looking back, the decision to choose PSQuote has had a profound impact on our organization. Not only has it improved efficiency, but it has also forced us to refine and standardize our processes, leading to better data quality and more accurate forecasting. For organizations considering PSQuote, I would advise ensuring that your data is well-structured before implementation and to be prepared for a period of adjustment. The long-term gains in efficiency and accuracy will make the initial effort worthwhile.”

Finally, how do you see AI fitting into the future with PSQuote?

“At Zennify, we’re exploring innovative ways to integrate AI into our quoting process, enhancing efficiency and accuracy. Imagine leveraging AI to validate quotes, ensuring they adhere to all quoting rules, like proper resource allocation and phasing. Beyond that, AI could analyze diverse data inputs—Zoom recordings, Google Meet transcripts, documentation, and notes—automatically suggesting offerings or even generating a complete quote and scope of work based on our predefined library. As we continue to build our repository of structured data within Salesforce, this integration promises to revolutionize how we approach automation, ultimately leading to smarter, more effective project planning and delivery.”

Thanks Joey for taking time to share your insights!

If you’re evaluating services quoting tools, let’s connect, we’d love to talk with you. Also, take a look at our tech requirements evaluation sheet and FAQ.

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