Start quoting smarter.

With our professional services quoting tool, organizations are:

  • Moving from manual to predictive processes
  • Growing margins instead of losing profits
  • Trading in frustrations for confidence
  • Eliminating time delays
  • Quoting the way they deliver projects

  • Build quotes by allocating hours across weeks per role
  • Auto-spread hours using one of the allocation methods or manually assign hours
  • Display/hide Phases and Tasks as needed

  • Define Tasks and Phases or add/edit Tasks via the Gantt UI (Work Breakdown Structure)
  • Build quotes by allocating hours or % of role to tasks to calculate your service cost and price.
  • Enables bottom-up planning/calculation of Hours by Role by Task & Phase.
  • Sync hours with LOE Schedule
  • See more task quoting features

  • Select from pre-defined Offerings (bundles/templates of services labor or materials) to save time and ensure consistency across quotes
  • Clone a quote and copy pricing over to new quotes
  • Modify labor hours, roles, rates, discounts, after applying templates/cloning quotes
  • Enables you to analyze and report on services Pipeline/Bookings by Offering and look at Offering Margin/Total Revenue.

"We know PSQuote is going to grow with us, and we’re grateful for CLD Partners’ excellent implementation work."

Ryan Klein

Senior Director of Business Development, Resolian

“Steve and his team understand professional services so well [that they designed] PSQuote so it will adapt to the way we sell. Now we have our process on the Salesforce platform, ready to reap the benefits.”

Tony Needler

AVP Consulting Managed Services & IT, Bishop Fox

“The sync resource request feature alone was worth the price of admission.”

Joey Poarch

Joey Poarch

Director of Sales Solution Architecture, Zennify

Build & Price Quotes

  • Respond quickly when clients request changes in scope
  • Retain and track all quote versions

  • Set prices using time and materials, fixed fee, or hybrid, all on the same quote/opportunity

  • Use materials to quote non-labor items like travel, subscriptions, third party costs, etc. necessary to build up quote revenue, cost, and margin. 
  • Sync these items to PSA, Milestones, Misc. Adjustments or other records as required for your business.

Sync & Doc Generation

  • Greater confidence in your pipeline for accurate revenue forecasting
  • Create resource demand records created on Opportunities to gain early visibility into resource demands, so you can start staffing sooner
  • Flexible sync options
    • Sync Opportunity Amount (no Opportunity lines created)
    • Sync PSQuote Lines to Opportunity Lines
    • Sync PSQuote Labor/Material to Opportunity Lines

  • Automate Project creation to save time and avoid double-data entry into PSA   
  • Resource demand records created/staffed on the opportunity automatically synced to the Project at creation
  • Quotes changes easily synced to the project
  • Make the handoff between Sales and Delivery easier and more transparent 
  • Works with professional services automation applications on (or off) the Salesforce platform

  • Automate generation of branded SOWs, proposals, deal sheets and more  
  • Use templates and source data from PSQuote  
  • Store document(s) in Salesforce 
  • Increase visibility and reporting on all documents generated in the system

Labor & Demand Planning

  • Schedule hours by role and week, linked to Opportunity, Account, and Quote — a key input into resource demand planning
  • Data is synced to PSA Resource Request schedule data

  • Report on Quote Labor Schedules and see Demand Forecasting for quotes in the pipeline   
  • Offers the option to include Skill Sets into this demand forecast if those are tagged on Quoted Labor Roles

Approvals & Governance

  • Leverage the Salesforce approval process engine to route quotes for approval.
  • Route quotes based on your business rules (Quote Amount, Margin %), so you can save time, routing approvals only when thresholds are met.

  • Track spend in relation to original quotes. 
  • Get full visibility into pipeline and demand forecasting.

Reporting & More

  • Using Salesforce Reports/Dashboards, compare your As Sold data (in PSQuote) with As Delivered data (in PSA Actuals)
  • Find revenue leakage, optimize margins, improve future scoping/quoting, and give overall strategic direction

  • Get the data from your spreadsheets on platform, and move quoting to PSQuote to make the transition easier.   
  • Gives large companies the flexibility to retain spreadsheets while standardizing quotes on platform.

Getting PSQuote for your organization is simple.

View a PSQuote demo

Start with a live demo of our professional services quoting tool to see how you can go from losing profits to growing margins.

Integrate & Deploy

CLD Partners — a leading Salesforce certified integrator — will tailor PSQuote to your business processes.

Start quoting smarter

Get everything you need to create quotes, and see what was sold through to what gets delivered.