PSQuote Blog

The experts from the PSQuote team share their knowledge and advice to help your organization succeed.

Sep 20, 2022 - News

Creator of PSQuote Interviewed on the CPQ Podcast

Steve Clune, the CEO of CLD Partners and architect of PSQuote, shares what went into creating a CPQ tool built specifically for services companies, and how the long history of… Read more
Sep 20, 2022 - Services Quoting

GM of PSQuote Interviewed on Asaph Advisors Podcast

John Schuler, GM of PSQuote, shares his hard-earned wisdom on how to make selling services easier (and how to pick the right tool for the job) in this interview with… Read more
Aug 22, 2022 - Release Notes

PSQuote Summer Release ‘22: What’s New?

PSQuote has a lot of new features and fixes in our Summer ‘22 release. Let’s explore some of the new functionality. Our goal always is to make your organization’s quoting… Read more
Jul 29, 2022 - News

How a CRO is fueling growth with a simpler, automated quoting system

From molecules to project plans, success lies in the details  In the clinical research space, success is found in the tiniest details, from molecules to protocols. For… Read more
Jul 26, 2022 - News

Bishop Fox locks in upgraded processes and metrics with the help of PSQuote

Bishop Fox, an elite leader in offensive digital security, knows a little something about operational excellence. They’ve worked on more than 6,000 engagements for the world’s… Read more
Team using a services-specific CPQ
Mar 15, 2022 - Services Quoting

Why Using a Services-Specific CPQ is More Accessible Than You Think

When you’re looking for ways to improve your business practices, it can be really easy to find reasons not to invest in new software applications. We’re not surprised if a… Read more
illustration of two people Quoting Professional Services
Mar 14, 2022 - Services Quoting

Why Quoting Professional Services is Different

Quoting enterprise professional services is different than quoting products. Traditional CPQ solutions were designed within a product mindset. More and more organizations are learning they need a services CPQ. Read more
Jan 17, 2022 - News

PSQuote: The New Services CPQ Tool Here to Save You Time and Money

Today, CLD Partners debuts PSQuote — a newly developed services CPQ tool designed for professional services. Clients can use the tool to expedite their CPQ sales cycle with smart automations. Read more